I have never journaled before, but this makes it so easy & fun! Im addicted!
I have never journaled before, but this makes it so easy & fun! Im addicted!
1. Please update the app icon and make it look flat so it matches/blends in with iOS 7. App icons with a 3D look arent very nice looking and they stick out like a sore thumb. 2. Please update the keyboard to the iOS 7 keyboard. Once these 2 things happen, its a 5 star app!
I am a mother and wife in my early 40s who needed a place to feel safe writing my thoughts down. Somewhere the kids and husband couldnt get into. This journal is amazing. Safe, easy to use and its amazing to be able to take a picture of the beautiful places I sit to relax and journal my day!!
The best. Easy and fun to use, especially the way you can insert pictures or drawings into your journal. The drawing part of this app is better than the drawing app I have. Makes journaling so fun I write more than ever before.
First off I wish I can use a longer password not just 4 digits. It would make me feel more secure. I love how I can add multiple pix & I can change the size to my liking. I love the different stationary designs. Font options. So far Im loving this app.
Easy, cool! Works great with drop box
This blows!! I went back to read some of my entries from my trip and they were all gone. Whats the point??? All recorded memories - GONE. Shame.
Really wanted a free journaling app, but this cost just two dollars and it has been well worth it. I like the password lock too. I write for myself. I dont want anyone in my business.
The interface is exactly what I wanted, simple. A calendar, with a snippet of my entry over shadowed by the whole entry where I can see dates and days of my eateries; and the ability to include photos with password protection. So far, fantastic. As desiring hearts go, I now would love to also be able to include videos; which unfortunately the app does not do. Not really a big deal, but I hope sometime in the near future this maybe remedied. What is a serious deal though is how often the app will crash or quit unexpectedly. For now I can live with this, but seriously fellows, fix this buggy problem because its costing your app some unnessery griff, hence the two stars.
I bought this app excited to start digital journaling... And it crashes. Ill write one sentence-- crash. Not happy I wasted my money on this.
I am 69 years old and, over the years, I have tried at least 20 programs designed to help and encourage me to keep a journal. I have NEVER been successful but I think this one is different. I should mention that I exclusively have always posex type operating systems, mostly Linux and occasionally a little OSX once in a while but never Windoze or any of its derivatives Anyway, one of the great things about Journalling is the fact that it woes with standard files (docx) they can be edited on any operating system. They are in the apps directory on my Dropbox and, as long as I start them with a standard template containing Time and date, I can even originate them on a real computer. PLEASE NOTE: The only thing missing is the ability to print out a running listing of all of my journal entries with dates. This could even be done as a Word macro or an external program in C or Python. What would make this a perfect app for keeping a journal of life events. Keep up the good work. In short, I love
Great variety of input with text, pics, drawing. Everything I would want/need.
I have never been good with journaling but decided this was a good time to start. I dont want to forget the everyday stuff, and as my kids grow older. Love how easy this app is . I Wish there were more journaling paper designers though. Soft colors, flowers on the paper and maybe even water pictures etc. or make it so we can download a background as our journaling paper. Just a thought since what we get are pretty basic and not pretty.
Practically no complaints. Almost completely perfect. Great app.
No problems does great for everything I use it for. Only crashes when I try using emoji.
Love this app. Im a quilter and wanted to keep track of quilts I make and other fun events. Very simple to use and easy to add photos. Syncs well between my iPad and iPhone
I like the way the app is laid out. It is simple, but it locked up both my iPhone and my iPad where I had to turn them off completely to reset. How frustrating!
I was just about to give this five stars, and then I write one of my longest, deepest thought and most heartfelt entries and the freaking thing freezes and doesnt save!! Aaargh. Like still, but frustrated.
I like this app, except I cant go back to a previous date, and it keeps adding the app notes randomly on my pages. Any hints on how to overcome these problems?
I give it 4 star because the app doesnt have a voice recorder.