I am 69 years old and, over the years, I have tried at least 20 programs designed to help and encourage me to keep a journal. I have NEVER been successful but I think this one is different. I should mention that I exclusively have always posex type operating systems, mostly Linux and occasionally a little OSX once in a while but never Windoze or any of its derivatives
Anyway, one of the great things about Journalling is the fact that it woes with standard files (docx) they can be edited on any operating system. They are in the apps directory on my Dropbox and, as long as I start them with a standard template containing Time and date, I can even originate them on a real computer.
PLEASE NOTE: The only thing missing is the ability to print out a running listing of all of my journal entries with dates. This could even be done as a Word macro or an external program in C or Python. What would make this a perfect app for keeping a journal of life events.
Keep up the good work.
In short, I love
Jobattle about Journaling