this app hasnt been updated, Im inclined to say, "Dont!" Dont change a thing. Its a wonderful app, complete with the ability to draw, add pictures, make lists, and syncs perfectly [which is more than I can say for the sync-blips of Day One]. I dont do very many reviews, despite having downloaded hundreds of apps, and Im a journal app junkie. There are a lot of choices, and after giving fair trials to several, I vote this as #1. I am currently using it on iPad Air, iPhone 5c, and iPad Mini. Syncs beautifully between all, so whatever I want to refer to is always with me. Thanks and kudos! Okay, so if I could have one thing [providing it doesnt throw a monkey wrench in a now perfect app!], Id ask for the ability to highlight text Ive written or copied into the app. I love to clip phrases, etc. into my journal, and would like to see those pop on the page. Drawing doesnt work as it writes over the text, not highlight. So Ive scraped the bottom of the barrel in an effort to mention something lacking! Great work, I am 100% happy with "Journaling".
Update: Still in love with "Journaling" but one issue that is beginning to stick in my craw: theres something amiss with keyboard response. I type a great deal on several different apps on my ipad, no problem. Except on "Journaling": the biggest problem is keys doubling, for instance: jourrnal. loove. etcc. Words that I type all the time end up looking like that in this app, never or rarely happens in other apps. Im pretty obsessive about accuracy, so this is something I really dislike: I cant make it through a sentence without at least 3 or 4 backspaces to correct. In this paragraph, Ive made 2 corrections. In "Journaling" I would have had to correct at least 7 or 8 times. Ive experimented, and its truly not something Im doing.
So Im unhappy about that and wonder if anyone has a similar experience or a suggestion, or if the developer knows of some glitch.